Scientific (Botanical) Name is Cydonia oblonga
Fragrant rich quince fruit is a member in the Rosaceae family of pome-fruits. Native to Asia Minor, this once popular delicacy has taken backseat in the modern times of the molecular biotechnology world. Quince is rarely eaten raw but employed in cooking where just a small section of it would impart the whole recipe with a pleasant fruity aroma. Binomially, quince is the only fruiting tree in the genus: Cydonia
Nutritional Value Of Quince
Besides being a readily available and delicious fruit, quince is also valued because of its important place in human health. Quince is a rich source of vitamin C, zinc, potassium, copper, iron, and dietary fiber. Also, quince is rich in certain organic compounds like catechin, epicatechin, limonene, and various other phytonutrients, all of which contribute to the health benefits of quince.
Health Benefits Of Quince
1. Prevents Cancer
2. Promotes Weight Loss
3. Treats Gastrointestinal Diseases
4. Skin Care
5. Regulates Blood Pressure
6. Allergic Reactions
7. Boosts Immunity
8. Circulation & Hair Health