The Apan Vayu Mudra is also called the Mrita Sanjeevani Mudra. It is a very powerful Mudra and in ancient India it was considered to be a life saver in case of a heart attack.
Steps of Apan Vayu Mudra
1. Touch the tops of your middle finger and ring finger to the tip of your thumb.
2. Pull your pointer finger in toward your thumb.
3. Point your little finger straight out.
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Benefits of Apan Vayu Mudra
1. Those who have had heart attacks in the past, or are at risk for a heart attack, can use this mudra to avoid cardiac arrest.
2. Heart-related problems can be avoided with the use this mudra.
3. This mudra helps to stimulate the circulatory system within the body.
4. You can practice this to reduce the effects, or avoid, heart disease.
5. The Apan Vayu Mudra helps to aid in digestion and constipation-related issues.
6. Try this mudra to reduce gastric issues within your body.
7. Strengthen your heart muscles with this mudra, by allowing more oxygen to pump into your heart.
8. You can purify your circulatory system with the help of this mudra.
To Read This In Hindi – Apan Vayu Mudra in Hindi