Scientific (Botanical) Name is Durio zibethinus
One of its own kinds, durian fruit is delicious, soft, succulent and very popular for its unique characteristics. Durian is widely revered as the “King of Fruits” in the South-East Asian countries.
The durian tree is tropical in origin and belongs to family of Malvaceae, in the genus, Durio, a large family of plant species which also include some of the interesting relatives such as hibiscus, okra, etc. It is botanically known as Durio zibethinus.
Nutritional Value of Durian. … It contains vitamin C, folic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6 and vitamin A. Important minerals such as potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus are found indurian. It also contains nutrients such as phytonutrients, water, protein and beneficial dietary fats.
Health Benefits of Durian
1. Increases Immunity
2. Alleviates Anemia
3. Bone Health
4. Improves Sleep & allays Depression
5. Maintains Blood Pressure
6. Fights Cancer
7. Improves Digestion
8. Weight Loss
9. Aging of the Skin
10. Increases and encourages fertility
Durian has a high sugar content so diabetics better avoid it or eat only in moderation.
Though it improves fertility and supports pregnancy with estrogen, high sugar is considered harmful during pregnancy. So it is recommended that they consume this fruit only after talking to their doctor.
Durian is considered to be a fruit that increases body heat. If eaten in excess it can lead to stomach spasms, nausea, stomachache, and flatulence.